Friday, July 28, 2006

Bon voyage and happy dreams. They make good poems, remember.
Please stay in touch when you have chances. When in Hawai`i, we have a nook....

aloha, Susan

Monday, July 24, 2006

"The pure products of America go crazy":


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Barbara Jane Reyes wrote responses to questions from my undergraduate class in American lit since 1950 on their blog: You may have to sift through some undergraduate scrivenings to get there, but it was the last book we read, so it should be near the top.

Hope you're enjoying the book.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Pound, Ginsberg, &&, @PennSound

New at PernnSound

Ezra Pound reading from The Cantos at Spoleto in 1967

Allen Ginsberg reading Howl, Kaddish and much else in San Francisco in 1956 and 1959 in San Francisco and in New York in 1995

Barbara Guest in Buffalo in Buffalo in 1992: reading and a lecture, "How I Got Out of Poetry and Into Prose" followed by discussion

Erica Hunt's "Notes for an Oppositional Poetics" as first presented at The New School in 1988 and subsequently published in The Politics of Poetics Form; includes the extended discussion following the talk

Jackson Mac Low reading in New York in 2004

Samuel R. Delany's "The Star Pit" (a radio play produced in 1967, with Delany narrating)

David Antin: two talks ­ at St. Mark's Talks series in 1984 and Buffalo in 1992

Amiri Baraka in San Francisco in 1965

Robert Creeley, Susan Howe, Charles Bernstein in Buffalo, 1995

| July 18, 2006

Monday, July 17, 2006

This is just to say
that many of you
to arise and go now
to class this
morning and your
prof was pissed
off, though she under-
stands the late
nights, the early-ish
she would still
your coming to
class at around
10:30, mornings.

aloha, Susan

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The internet has been very dicey today, so this is to say that I'll get to those of you who've emailed me over the weekend from the more reliable internets of Suffolk early this week. Sorry for the delay...


Saturday, July 15, 2006


Jennifer Stewart, what is your email? I have a comment for you and the address Bill gave me did bounce!
Here's a great on-line journal with a new issue. Take a look:

And here are the poems from Linmark's book to read and ponder with utmost seriousness:

A Letter to Clare Danes
This Poem Is Called
Slippery When English
And Yet
Caliban's Epilogue
First Lessons
A Portrait
Autnie Mary
Valentine's Day

And for Tami, some poets of compression to read:

Paul Celan
Emily Dickinson
Susan Howe

Hope your weekends are going well.

aloha, Susan

Saturday, July 08, 2006


First lists, based on intuitions and hunches and also some of my faves:

Michael: Andrew Marvell, especially his upside down epics; William Carlos Williams _Paterson_; Marianne Moore's non-epics like "The Octopus"; Hart Crane _The Bridge_; Lorca's _Poeta en Neuvo York_

Herb: John Donne love poems; Jonathan Swift's poems for Stella; John Clare's mad poems; Adrienne Rich's _Notes toward a Common Language_ (is that the title? I mean the love sonnet sequence); Marilyn Hacker love sonnets.

Ana: Thomas Traherne meditations; Gertrude Stein, "Stanzas in Meditation"; John Ashbery's _Three Poems_; Lissa Wolsak; anything by Laura Riding.

aloha, Susan (who might add Dylan the list by tomorrow morning!)

Friday, July 07, 2006

Welcome to the madpoetry blog, where you can feel free to post reactions to the readings, our discussions, the city . . . comment on each others' poems.
I hope the virtual desks are more comfortable.

aloha, Susan